Shot the cover of Men's Chinese Vogue in China with Chen Kun in a mining district about 4 hours outside of Beijing. Vicson Guevara art directed, Grant Pearce styling, retouching by Dtouch.
I wasn't familiar with Chen Kun when I got booked for the job, but it was quite an interesting study of fame. Of course to everyone I was with he was a HUGE MEGA star, but to me he was a thoughtful, playful guy who was looking to make some images that were a new take on his personality. We chose 'Blade Runner' meets Rick Owens.
One of the other main excitements for me was we got to work with the biggest pyrotechnic expert in China. He has worked with Zhang Yimou who is one of my heros of cinema. One step away from Zhang Yimou!!! That's what I thought every time he set off a smoke bomb.
Also, the location was deceiving-- a mini Arizona. The rocks were never more than 30 feet, an old dried up lake. The ride there through the night was harrowing. More speeding tractor trailers than I have ever seen. On the way back we got stuck in miles of these trucks being weighed, and I thought a very capitalistic thought, "All this product being delayed for the shops just wasn't right!" The poor drivers must've been exhausted, and so was I-- delayed 3 extra hours with no bathroom... The highway is no place for a lady (not even THIS lady).
At the end of the shoot, Chen Kun told me I had done something no one had ever done for him (I know what you are thinking, but no...) He meant I had created a new character in his repertoire -- the HERO. I literally got a tear in my eye as he held my hands appreciatively. Changing lives one shoot at a time!!
Nice to hear the story behind the pictures ... !